Andrew's poems have appeared in several magazines. Here's a sampling of those terrific, supportive magazines. Please visit the magazine websites to read his poems or order issues.
- Plainsongs
- Chronogram
- Carolina Quarterly
- Midwest Quarterly
- Kestrel
- Cold Mountain Review
- Permafrost
- Illuminations
- Inscape
- Cottonwood
- Ginosko Literary Journal
- Westview
- Appalachian Heritage
- Fractal Literary Magazine
- Broad River Review
- Measure: A Review of Formal Poetry
- James Dickey Review
- Evansville Review
- Poets are Present Anthology: Shakespeare Theater Company
- Potomac Review
- Free State Review
- Valparaiso Poetry Review
- Tulane Review
- Soundings Review
- Freshwater Poetry Journal
- Kudzu House Quarterly
- Centrifugal Eye
- San Pedro River Review
- WestWard Quarterly
- The Storyteller
- Stonecoast Review
- Cowboy Poetry Press
- Bohemia
- Pilgrimage Magazine
- Cascadia
- River Poets Journal
- Rattappallax
- Red Fez
- Outside In
- Breath & Shadow
- The Weekly Avocet
- Dead Snakes
- Federal Poet
- PennUnion
- Stylus